An outstanding, highly stable single-seat helicopter:
SkyBlazer 1-Seat CoAxial Helicopter—Complete

This is the single-seat SkyBlazer coaxial helicopter.
The video at the top is the prototype undergoing flight
maneuvers. The actual helicopter, with enclosure, is shown in the above
photos. This helicopter incorporates twin Hirth 65hp
(130 hp total) fuel-injected, altitude-compensated engines; a twin rotor system, twin fuel
tanks and a hydraulic control system. The belt drive shown will
be replaced with a gearbox similar to the one used in a Robinson
R22. Two instrument panels are included. The helicopter comes
with new, state-of-the-art powder-coated PRC rotorblades. In the coaxial design the counter-rotating twin rotors
cancel torgue in a far more balanced manner than the
single-main-rotor/anti-torque tail rotor design, giving the
aircraft outstanding stability. The redundant systems
maximize safety. This helicopter would be licensed as an Experimental aircraft.
Full assembly assistance is provided.

Passengers: 1; Length: 15'; Height:
8'; Width
(cab): 3'; Rotor dia: 14.5'; Empty weight:
lbs.; Gross weight: 900 lbs.; Payload: 300 lbs.;
Engines(2) hp:
65 hp; Range: 200 miles; Speed
(max): 105 mph; Speed (cruise): 75 mph; Service
ceiling: 10,000 ft; Rate of climb: 1,000 ft/min

prototype shown above has been sold. Please write about the
availability of some of the major components for building this

410-668-2757 from 11am-6pm
EST weekdays, or leave message. To write us,
please use the E-mail info below.