motor scooter that hitches a ride!
If you've seen recent news stories about future
forms of transportation, you've likely heard that small motor scooters could
well be the vehicle of choice. With their outstanding gas mileage, excellent
maneuverability and immunity to traffic jams, the argument is persuasive.
Here is your chance to not only be at the leading
edge of this movement, but to own a vehicle that links current and
future transportation: our folding mini-scooter, the
Tom Thumb.
Fun to
rideEasy to build!
Don't be fooled by its small sizethe Tom
Thumb is capable of speeds up to 45 mph (depending on engine choice) and
can handle a variety of road conditions, including fairly steep gradients. It
is easily made street-legal. But far more than a utility vehicle, the Tom
Thumb is great fun to drive. Comfortably seated, you will have the eerie
sense of being swept along the highway as if by the wind alone since the
vehicle itself is nearly out of sight beneath you.
Typically, the Tom Thumb can be built at
home for as little as $150 (minus the cost of the engine). It is an easy
project, requiring just a basic home shop and standard tools. The small amount
of welding can be performed quickly at a local metal shop. The Construcion
Plans are fully detailed, with clear illustrations, dimensions, descriptions
and a list of suppliers for everything needed to build this
More about the Tom Thumb...